Gift Ideas December 2015

Here are some things I think are terrific.

  • Correct Toes. These toe separators allow you to be weight bearing (actually on your feet, using them), so you can walk, go to the gym, practice yoga, or (if you are feeling courageous) even run. They are excellent to prevent and potentially heal bunions, ease plantar fasciitis, and generally help your foot stay balanced, flexible, and strong.
  • Elizabeth Gilbert’s new book on creativity in daily life.
  • Norman Doidge is writing fascinating books on the brain. His most recent book is especially interesting, with some novel treatment ideas for chronic pain and brain injury. These are accessible, enjoyable reading on innovative understanding of how the brain works and how to heal it.
  • Lacrosse balls, bouncy balls, and tennis balls make great stocking stuffers. Use them for self- massage; if you want ideas, come see me! Small bouncy balls are good for specific work on small areas like hands, forearms, and feet; tennis balls are great for beginners, more gentle pressure, and anyone with osteopenia or bone density considerations. Lacrosse balls are good for more intense work (although they can be quite gentle). I use them all!

Happy holidays!


Kyra Ahlstrom