Frequently Asked Questions
elow are some common questions about my practice, sessions, and Structural Integration. If you have any others, please contact me.
ATSI (formerly KMI) stands for Anatomy Trains Structural Integration. It’s a form of Structural Integration pioneered by Tom Myers, author of the book Anatomy Trains.
Structural Integration is a manual therapy that organizes the web of fascia, or connective tissue, in its relationship to gravity. In practice, this means that natural twists, bends, shortenings and shifts that are the inevitable result of living and moving can unwind, and your body has a more harmonious relationship to itself.
Structural Integration is a type of bodywork that encompasses several schools, among them ATSI, Rolfing, Soma, and Hellerwork. Each school is a “brand” with a slightly different philosophy, but the general intention of bringing balance and ease to the whole body is the same.
Go for form fitting clothes that allow your body to be seen and skin exposed for work.
Men: please wear fitted shorts or boxer briefs. No basketball shorts or Speedos necessary.
Women: a regular bra (without underwire if you have one), swimsuit, or tank top with underwear. No thongs or sports bras, please.
Non-Binary or genderfluid folks: wear what feels comfortable to you according to the above guidelines.
Before, during, and after each session, I’ll look at how you stand and move. I’m not looking for shoulders pulled back or tummies sucked in; I want to see how you naturally stand, what moves easily, and what looks stuck, so I know where to direct my work and how to structure a session.
We’ll work within your comfort zone at all times. That means I can stop at any time, change or modify my pressure, and generally work with you to affect change (rather than inflicting change upon you!). Sometimes sensation may be intense; if it changes from an intensity you can lean into to one you want to brace against, it’s too much. I can vary this work to be incredibly gentle or quite intense, depending on your particular needs, tolerances, and areas of concern.
I take MVA/ PIP insurance for auto accidents only. Please fill out the form before you come in.
Clients usually come in weekly during a series. However, depending on your needs, we can schedule every other week, every three weeks, or even multiple times in one week (a 3-series Monday-Thursday-Monday, for example). Each person “holds” the changes for different periods of time; some people may like having a couple weeks between treatments to process changes from the session, and some people may need sessions in quick succession for the best results.
During the 12-series, there are points to take a break of up to four weeks, and several sessions that are best grouped together. We can discuss timing for your personal needs, but typically breaks are best between sessions 3-4 and 8-9.